Jody's Peace Corps Experience

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Do I Do Anything??? Yes, I Do!!!

So I'm sure most of you wonder if I really do anything here. I admit, I write more about the crazy things that happen than what I do at the center, so I decided this week I would dedicate my entry to what I do at RSCC...and other things work related.

One of my biggest projects is creating a brochure about the RSCC. Basically the center has asked me to help with an information discemmination tool to help spread the word about RSCC as well as promote the services. In doing this, the hope that people will be more willing to become a part of and help in the center; the biggest help would be more people to become foster/adoptive parents.

Foster/Adoptive Parent Flier
The second project is a bookmark sized flier to be placed in various restaraunts, churches and anywhere else large numbers of people go to congregate. We hope to get people interested in becoming a foster parent for the children in the center as being in a home setting is more conducive to growing a healthy, happy child than staying in a center while waiting to be adopted or placed back into their own parent's custody.

Christmas Play
A few of the staff approached me to help write and make costumes for the Christmas play the children will be performing for the staff of the regional office during the Christmas party next month. It has been fun coming up with the script and inserting Christmas songs as well. I'll be sure to take photos when it's performed!

Staff Training
One of the major objectives while I'm at RSCC is to help with staff development. To do this I had all of the houseparents fill out a questionnaire about their needs. I have a 2 hour workshop prepared to present to the houseparents about behavior management. The only barrier I'm facing is lack of organization. Whenever I ask the social workers what day would work the best, the response I get is always silence. We'll see how far this goes.

Dental Partnership
I'm also working on trying to form a partnership with a local NonGovernment Organization (NGO) who deals with medical and dental requests. I'm hoping to have this NGO come to the center and do a presentation on proper tooth brushing as well as perform free check-ups with the children. I have everything I need except a counterpart to work on the letter with me. It should be relatively easy to find least you would think so, right?

I'm also working with an NGO in Baguio City called Baguio Center for Young Adults (BCYA) as a secondary project. I recently accepted the responsibility to become the HIV/AIDS representative for Peace Corps in Northern Luzon. This past Monday, I went to BCYA for the first time and I thought I was going to observe a radio show, but instead I was told I was the guest for the radio show that would be about HIV/AIDS!

Needless to say I panicked and ran out of there as fast as I could. Ok, so I didn't, but I calmly explained that I was not an expert...yet and would need more time in preparation. They decided that was fair, but they still needed to interview someone for their hour radio show and switched the topic to Peace Corps. Easy enough and it really was. It was fun to do the show and I was told that I definately would be on again.

So, you should all be relieved that I'm not just on a two year vacation and I really do work! Hopefully this list will continue to grow as more opportunities come up.

Oh, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I'll be gone next week to Sagada, Mountain Province for a Peace Corps Thanksgiving get together so I won't be making an entry. Hope all of you have a great holiday and are able to spend it with family and loved ones! Eat lots of turkey and watch the football games for me!!!